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Metroservisol is a specialist in assisting Airlines/IT Providers/Aggregators/Travel Agencies in getting NDC Certified. We HELP/ASSIST Airlines/IT Provider/Aggregators/Travel Agencies in getting NDC Certification. Metroservisol has a pool of experts who assist customers in getting the NDC Certification in an expressway within a month. Assumptions/Pre-Requisites This particular project/agreement is restricted to NDC Certification only Services post NDC Certification will be discussed outside the scope of this project/agreement All the communication with IATA has to be done by Airlines/IT Providers/Aggregators/Travel Agencies email ids only. Hence, Airlines/IT Providers/Aggregators/Travel Agencies should provide one email ID of their company to communicate with IATA for any communication regarding NDC Certification to Metroservisol. All the communication with IATA will be done by Metroservisol using this customers email-id. Any Airline/IT Provider/Aggregator/Travel Agency who wishes to gain assistance on certification should bear the certification cost mentioned by IATA. Metroservisol will not bear this cost. The IATA NDC schemas are upgraded after every 6 months.Any renewal in Certification to the current IATA schemas is charged by IATA (1500 US Dollars). Subsequently, if the Airline/IT Provider/Aggregator/Travel Agency who wish to avail assistance from Metroservisol in renewal of schemas will be charged 50% of the original certification amount. Renewal can be done post 6 months or a Year or any time when the Airline/IT Provider/Aggregator/Travel Agency wish to use any of the updated messages in the schemas. Else Airline/IT Provider/Aggregator/Travel Agency can continue with the same certificationand no renewal is required.


Are you NDC certified? IATA provides the only official industry certification and registration program for NDC. The certification process examines the capabilities of airlines, agents and aggregators to receive and send NDC messages, testing specific NDC solutions. NDC Certification covers: Airlines, Agents and Aggregators — Any airline that deploys an NDC API or any agent or aggregator that consumes these APIs; and IT Providers — Any vendor that offers NDC products and services for airlines and distributors can become NDC capable Access now the NDC Certification Registry.Click Here to see who are the NDC certified /capable actors. Download presentation on NDC Certification(downloaded in folder) (pdf) (Feb 2016) Watch video on NDC Certification Click Here to view(Mar 2016)