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Miscellanous Billing

Miscellaneous Billing - An Overview

Miscellaneous Billing deals with the invoices and accounting of services taken and availed by different airlines. It can include ground handling, catering, cleaning, maintenance, etc. The volume and importance of data make it challenging for airlines to efficiently & accurately manage and process these invoices. This is especially true because of the lack of standardization in processing and reporting. This affects the airline’s bottom line and results in leakages and lost opportunities.

Why Miscellaneous Billing Solutions?

Miscellaneous Billing and other non-transport services typically account for 8-10% of an airline’s revenue . Proper management of Miscellaneous Billing can provide you with useful actionable insights and ensure that you are always compliant with all regulations and norms . This can get tricky considering the amount of interdependency and complexities in areas like ground handling, interlining, catering, support services, etc. Improper control over miscellaneous expenses can lead to major issues such as defaulting on payments and stoppage of services. It also ruins relationships. Well-managed miscellaneous billing can prevent leakages and help you increase revenue by utilizing actionable insights gathered during the processing and reporting stage. Proper processing of miscellaneous billing can also help streamline your operations . This is can be easily accomplished using our top-notch Miscellaneous Billing Solutions

Why Outsource?

Resource Optimization

Allowing us to manage your miscellaneous billing requirements helps you save precious resources for your core business while ensuring that your invoices are processed most efficiently and accurately. We work directly from our offices and send you actionable data and insights , saving you from doing all the legwork.

Avoid Overstaffing

Outsourcing miscellaneous billing operations will help your company adopt a leaner structure . According to our research findings, outsourcing will cut down staff requirement by up to 50% compared to in-house billing. This number especially adds up when you consider that not only do you save in salaries, but also on medical benefits, sick leaves, retirement plans, and other expenses associated with having full-time employees. The savings are massive when you factor these expenses into the equation.

Save on Miscellaneous Expenses

In-house billing can lead to other costs including:

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. These costs can add up to thousands of dollars every single month. If you outsource, this would translate to savings of thousands of dollars every month .

Our Services

  1. Processing of Misc. Billing on Your Hosted Systems

    In case your organization already has a system set up for miscellaneous billing, we will raise outward invoices to other airlines from your existing systems. We will carry out the processing of miscellaneous billing inward invoices and raise rejections or correspondence if required or accept inward invoices.

  2. Processing of Misc. Billing on IS-Web (Manual Processing)

    If your organization does not have miscellaneous billing software, we can continue processing using your organization's existing processes and standards. Outward invoices will be raised using Microsoft Word & Excel and uploading supporting documents on IS-Web. Inward invoices will be responded on IS-Web with rejections or correspondences as required. We also introduce some elements of automation to increase productivity and ensure that the Airline Manual Processes are as efficient as possible. All the proposed automation will be discussed with you in the transition phase.

  3. Develop a Customized System

    If your organization does not have a software for processing of inward and outward miscellaneous billing invoices, we will create one for you.

    3A. Fully Automated Software
    We will develop advanced software which is fully automated and customizable as per your specific requirements. This software will include additional features such as contract management etc. Development of the new system takes 8-10 months though we start manually processing your invoices from Day 1.
    3B. Basic Inward-Outward Billing Processing
    If you require basic miscellaneous billing software then we can develop that for your requirements, too. Development of a basic software takes approximately 3 months, but we start manually processing your invoices from Day 1.

Why Us?

Expertise in SIS Charge Categories & Codes

We possess experience in IATA’s defined SIS charge categories and codes. This helps us correctly process the invoices as per the standards, in turn reducing data inaccuracies and improving the quality of data, information and accounting significantly.

Dedicated Resources & Team of Experts

We have resources dedicated to your organization’s miscellaneous billing requirements. Our team of experts will be ready to assist you in all miscellaneous billing related queries and solutions in an efficient and timely manner. With our expert team processing your invoices, you can see results right from Day 1 .

Automation & Efficiency

Most day-to-day processes and tasks can be automated in today’s day and age. Not only does this help boost efficiency, but it also ensures that you get access to accurate data quickly. By streamlining the process of miscellaneous billing, automation enables your organization to better manage invoices and take decisions based on the insights gathered instead of focusing on laborious tasks.

We Take Responsibility

We take full responsibility for meeting the SLAs defined and agreed upon in our contract. We make sure that your organization faces zero delays and inefficiencies in miscellaneous billing operations. You can hold us accountable for this.

Powerful Reporting

We have state-of-the-art reporting and MIS software. This helps us provide you with powerful reports with useful insights and analytics. You can optimize your miscellaneous billing system using these reports and analytics to further boost efficiency and cut costs .

About Us

The Team

Our team includes industry experts with over 20 years of experience in the airline domain with core Miscellaneous Billing expertise.

Our Vision

"To be a leader in providing top-notch Miscellaneous Billing solutions world over."

Get in Touch!

Mr. Daniel Kamble

+91 805 586 1747 | +1 301 637 7865

Fax: +1 703 552 7414

Metroservisol Pvt. Ltd