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What We Do for App. Development

   DescriptionAndroid software development is the process by which new applications are created for devices running the Android operating system. Google states that "Android apps can be written using Kotlin, Java, and C++ languages" using the Android software development kit, while using other languages is also possible.
The Android platform Looking at Android’s breadth of capabilities, it would be easy to confuse it with a desktop operating system. Android is a layered environment, one that is built upon a foundation of the Linux kernel and includes rich functionality. The user interface subsystem includes everything you would expect from a mature operating system environment including windows, views, and widgets for displaying common elements like edit boxes, lists, or drop-down lists. The browser is both capable for general web browsing and available for embedding directly into your own application. In the past decade, the mobile web has been transformed by the adoption of smartphones across consumer and business applications, including Android. “Responsive” web technologies have made the utility of mobile devices greatly enhanced. Figure 1 displays a simplified view of the Android software layers: Applications: Built-in applications, such as phone, contacts, browser, and more.

  The specific applications vary by Android version and manufacturer. Commercial applications from marketplaces, such as Google Play, Amazon, and more. Side-loaded applications, including the ones you will build. You install these via USB cable. Application frameworks, such as telephony manager, location manager, notification manager, content providers, windowing, resource manager, and more. Libraries, such as graphics libraries, media libraries, database libraries, sensors, and so on. The Android runtime is responsible for executing and managing applications as they run. Linux Kernel, including power, file system, drivers, process management, and more.

iOS is derived from Mac OS X and is a Unix-like OS. There are four abstraction layers within iOS: Core OS Layer: Provides low-level features as well as frameworks for security and interaction with external hardware Core Services Layer: Provides services required by upper layers Media Layer: Provides the necessary technologies for graphics, audio and video. Coca Touch Layer: Where frameworks are located, which are often used when creating an application iOS comes with a lot of default apps, including an email client, a Safari Web browser, a portable media player (iPod) and the phone app. Developers can use the iOS software development kit (SDK) to create applications for Apple mobile devices. The SDK includes tools and interfaces for developing, installing, running and testing apps. Native apps can be written using the iOS system frameworks and the Objective-C programming language. Included in the iOS SDK are Xcode Tools, which include an integrated development environment (IDE) for managing application projects, a graphical tool for creating the user interface and a debugging tool for analyzing runtime performance. It also includes an iOS simulator, which allows developers to test apps on a Mac, and an iOS developer library, which provides all the necessary documentation and reference material.