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One of the most important goals of the marketing team is to deliver better qualified leads to sales. The quality of the lead generation process determines the quality and quantity of leads flowing into the company. People, processes and technology together determine the quality of the lead generation process. Often lead generation solutions provides incomplete and outdated information on leads with little or no context. Using our expert team who generate leads as per the specific client requirements, in which we capture qualified leads, rich with information. These pre-qualified leads significantly increase conversion rates as against cold contacts. Sales can thus achieve sales targets faster. To ensure no lead is left behind, marketing and sales should work together to examine each lead and establish its place in the sales funnel. Leads that fail to convert should be put back into the nurturing program. Nurturing, over an extended period of time, will help convert them into hot leads. Advantages of Using B2B Lead Generation Strategies: Identifies high value prospects and decision makers. Provides real insights into a website visitors intent. Procures actionable intelligence to convert a visitor into a qualified sales lead. Relieves your inside sales teams from time-consuming, prospecting tasks. Offers direct integration with your sales pipeline software and process. Provides improved conversion rates, sales performance and efficiency. Drives effective collaboration methodologies. Enables knowledge sharing across the organization to bridge the gap between sales and marketing. Business to Consumer Selling can be a quick and easy process- for both your customer and you. The goal is to build a strong relationship with your customer - because if the sale is quick and easy (which is how the customer wants it), it means that building a long term, returning customer relationship can be the challenge. Make the buying experience good for your customers, and they’ll come back for more. Technical support may be delivered over the telephone or online by e-mail, live support software on a website or a tool where users can log a call/incident.


Your sales reps are natural born closers. They are gifted, hungry and experienced. And as your sales reps will readily assure you, there is no time to go chasing leads. Partnering with a proven lead generation company like Marketlink is a cost-effective strategy that guarantees your sales reps have access to a robust database of promising leads, increasing overall efficiency and boosting your conversion rate. We make sales easy, because we build more than leads - we build sales pipelines. Let us assemble a talented and dedicated team that will know your company, your products, and your customers. Our lead generation specialists act as an authentic extension of your company, identifying promising sales opportunities and serving up meatballs to your sales team. All you have to do is close the deal.


We know how to get through to the right people. After identifying the primary decision makers and scheduling appointments with promising prospects, we’ll provide the pertinent details that ensure your sales reps have a productive appointment.


Your sales reps don’t have time to rummage through unqualified inquiries in search of promising leads. Our lead generation specialists know how to reach decision makers and generate interest in your products or services. We identify only the prospects that meet your qualified lead criteria, improving your follow-up and close rate.