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Express IATA NDC Certification

NDC Overview

The New Distribution Capability (NDC) is an XML-based data transmission standard launched by IATA that is supported by the travel industry. NDC was introduced with the aim of enhancing and streamlining communication between airlines, aggregators, travel agents, passengers & IT providers.

Why NDC?

Data transmission in its current stage faces numerous hurdles including inconsistent customer experience and freedom of distribution of services. As a result, airlines are unable to maximize revenues and provide customers with value-added services such as upgrades and lounge access in real-time.

Is NDC Really a Big Deal?

In the next 4-5 years, NDC will be the standard of data transmission between airlines, agents, and customers. Ignoring NDC can lead to significant loss of revenue in the near future.

How is NDC different from traditional data transmission?

In its current form, data transmission is not streamlined and organized. For example, if you wanted the passengers to upgrade their seats, meal preferences and other details in real-time, you would be limited by the existing data transmission standard. NDC will enable you to do this and much more, helping you stay ahead of the competition and offer passengers world-class value-added services. All this is made possible by the NDC API.

This is what data transmission looks like now:

This is what data transmission looks like now:

Modules of NDC

NDC Shopping

The Shopping schemas under NDC help airlines in distributing their product offers. These include seat choices, lounge access, merchandise baggage, and other ancillary services. The services are delivered in an interactive manner and can be personalized depending on the type of customer. Traditional data transmission does not allow airlines to offer these services in real-time. This helps airlines boost ancillary revenue while providing value to customers.

NDC Order Management

Order Management schemas lead to easy management of NDC-enabled orders right from booking of the ticket to fulfilment. Schemas for Booking & Servicing allow airlines and travel agents to manage a customer’s order once they select an offer. Payment & Ticketing schemas aid in the transmission of data related to supported payment methods offers selected by the customer, etc.


Shopping and Order Management schemas enable airlines to communicate with interline partners. This helps the airline manage interline transactions better and more efficiently.

How to Get Started With NDC

The NDC standard sounds quite tempting, but how can your company become futureproof with NDC? The very first step is Certification. This step is necessary since it lets IATA, travel aggregators, and customers know that your company is capable of sending and receiving NDC messages and adhering to the NDC standards.

Where do we come in?

NDC Certification requires a lot of time, effort and resources without the right guidance. Our expertise in NDC Certification can help you overcome this hurdle.

Why us?

Lightning Fast Certification

We guarantee NDC Level 2, 3 or 4 Certification within a month. Not only does this expedite the certification process for your company, but it also saves your company’s invaluable resources and makes the entire process completely hassle-free.

Team of Experts

We are able to achieve this thanks to our team of experts who have directly involved with the development of schemas for IATA right from the start. As a result, we have an in-depth understanding of the schemas. We have ensured that our NDC Certification services require minimal effort from your side.

Post-Certification Assistance

NDC schemas are renewed by IATA every 6 months. It is also mandatory to renew the certification after 24 months in accordance with the latest schemas published by IATA at that time. We provide you with complete post-certification assistance, be it queries or development in the system/schemas that your organization might require.

Our Commitment

Certification Within One Month

We promise to get your organization NDC certified within one month. In case of any delays from IATA's side, we will ensure that you are certified in as close to one month as possible. You pay once you are NDC certified.

Dedicated Resources

We have resources dedicated to your project to guide you through any and all queries related to NDC Certification. We also ensure that your certification is renewed on time.

About Us

The Team

Our team includes industry experts with over 20 years of experience in the airline domain. Our dedicated NDC team has an experience of nearly half a decade, with core expertise in all NDCschemas from 1.1 to 19.2.

Our Vision

"To be a leading provider for IATA NDC certifications and solutions post-certification."

Get in Touch!

Mr. Daniel Kamble

+91 805 586 1747 | +1 301 637 7865

Fax: +1 703 552 7414

Metroservisol Pvt. Ltd